The Advanced Program is implemented under the National Project, chaired by the Ministry of Education and Training, and implemented at the National Economics University. The Advanced Program currently has 3 majors: Finance, Accounting and International Business.


The Excellent Programs has been implemented at the National Economics University since 2010. Currently, the Excellent Program offers 15 majors, including Auditing, Banking, Investment, International Business, Business Administration, Marketing Management, Corporate Finance, Human Resource Management, International Economics, Development Economics, Digital Marketing, Information Technology, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Public Relations, E-commerce, as well as Digital Transformation.


The Profession-Oriented Higher Education – POHE program under the Vietnam-Netherlands Higher Education Project was started in early 2005 with the goal of improving the career capacity of students by developing programs that focus on the needs of the labor market. The POHE program currently has 7 majors.


The Business Analytics program applies the Advanced Program model; taught in English; transfer of training technology including training programs, teaching methods and system of documents and curricula from the University of California, San Bernardino, USA (CSUSB), granted by the National Economics University. After 2 years, students can transfer to study and get a degree at CSUSB.
Chương trình áp dụng mô hình đào tạo theo Chương trình Tiên tiến; được giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh; chuyển giao công nghệ đào tạo gồm chương trình đào tạo, phương pháp giảng dạy và hệ thống tài liệu, giáo trình của Đại học California, San Bernardino, Hoa Kỳ (CSUSB), do ĐHKTQD cấp bằng. Sau 2 năm, sinh viên có thể chuyển tiếp sang học tập và lấy bằng tại CSUSB. 


Chương trình hợp tác đào tạo với Đại học tổng hợp California, San Bernardino, Hoa Kỳ, phương thức (2+2)


Soft skills are non-technical skills that can define how we interact with others and build relationships. These skills are applicable to all workplaces and relate to skills such as public speaking or leadership.  Soft skills are also known as core skills and common skills.