Collaboration Between School of Advanced Education Programs and Cengage Learning Sets Stage for Innovative Learning

Hanoi – In a significant move toward modernizing educational practices, the School of Advanced Education Programs joined forces with Cengage Learning, a prominent educational content company, to explore innovative learning solutions for students worldwide. With an impressive collection of more than 35,000 copyrighted books and high-quality academic textbooks, Cengage Learning has established itself as a … Read more

National Economics University attended the annual conference of ACCREDITATION COUNCIL FOR BUSINESS SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS (ACBSP) in the United States

With the goal of improving the quality of training, strengthening international cooperation with universities in the United States and continuing to accredit university programs according to international standards. From June 28 to July 6, 07, the delegation of National Economics University led by Assoc. Dr. Bui Huy Nhuong – Vice President as the leader of … Read more

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AEP Future Schooling 2023

The AEP Future Schooling is an annual event organized for highschool students, as well as their parents, aiming to provide information and address inquiries regarding university admissions, particularly the admission process of the National Economics University in general and School of Advanced Education Programs in particular. Station 1 – Phan Dinh Phung High School The … Read more

School of Advanced Education Program inaugurated the defense of the internship specialization for the Excellent Education Programs – Intake 61

  On the morning of May 5, 2023, the School of Advanced Education Programs held the opening ceremony for the internship defense specialization of the Excellent Education Program (EEP), intake 61, for 818 students Attending the opening ceremony were Associate Professor Dr. Bui Huy Nhuong, Vice President, Dr. Vu Van Ngoc, Dean of School of … Read more

The School of Advanced Education Programs worked on transfer programs and the plan to exchange students & lecturers with University of Applied Sciences Saxion, Netherlands

On the afternoon of February 16th 2023, the School of Advanced Education Programs (AEP), National Economics University welcomed Mr. Dennis Vossen – Director of the International Finance & Accounting Program; Mrs. Jeanet Nijland – Coordinator Internationalisation; and Mrs. Ngoc Ngo – Manager Strategic Partnerships of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands (Saxion University) . Representing … Read more

Site evaluator from the ACBSP, USA, has a mid-cycle review at the National Economics University

From February 21 to February 23, 2023, Dr. Douglas John Gilbert – An evaluator from ACBSP, USA, visited and worked at the National Economics University to review and evaluate in the middle of the accreditation cycle. Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Chuong – President of the university, welcomed Dr. Douglas John Gilbert – ACBSP Accreditation Evaluator. With the goal … Read more


In order to equip students with practical knowledge, orient their future careers, and provide the necessary skills to be confident before starting a business, on September 25, 2022, the University organized a meaningful and useful field trip at SAPO Technology Joint Stock Company for students of K61 Business Administration – under the School of Advanced … Read more


From 21 to 23 February 2023, Dr. Douglas John Gilbert – ACBSP site evaluator and mentor is going to make a visit to National Economics University. Dr. Douglas John Gilbert will have meetings with the University President, the Business Program Deans and Accreditation team. He will also go on a Campus tour to have a … Read more

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National Economics University organized ACBSP Implementation Conference

In the morning of January 13, 2023, National Economics University successfully organized the ACBSP Implementation Conference. Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Chuong – President; Dr. Vu Van Ngoc – Dean of School of Advanced Education Programs and representatives as well as leaders of the University’s relevant departments, and faculties/institutes all attended the conference. Currently, at universities, … Read more

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Institute of School of Advanced Education Programs organized the Seminar No.3

On Monday afternoon, December 20, 2022, the School of Advanced Education Programs held a seminar named “Innovation and improvement of some internal processes in Student Management at the School for Advanced Education Programs and POHE” based on the actual situation in student management of the School. The seminar had the participation of Dr. Dam Son … Read more

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